Est 1999
Our computer disposal and collection service is free of charge. (Subject to distance)
We will take everything computer related for recycling including cables / peripherals.
All your hard drives, and any other data/media will be shredded completely
All other data bearing devices will be wiped to DoD 5220.22-M standard
Asset tracking and serial number
documentation from start to finish
Full Waste Documentation and Certificates of Data Destruction provided for each collection.
I.T Disposal and collection service
E-waste is a big problem in todays society
Recycling and repurposing electronics to keep them out of landfill does a great service to our planet
We will collect your I.T equipment in one of our un badged vehicles for added security,
and transport them safely to our workshop.
once there our team will asset check them and then start the decommissioning process
Secure and complete data
destruction of the following
Hard disk drives
Solid state drives
Backup drives
Usb drives
Phones and Tablets
Dvd Media and any other disks will be shredded
End product
Drive destruction, GDPR and waste carrier certificates
are issued to customer
Any equipment good enough to serve again is cleaned and
fitted with new Hard disk drives tested and re-used
Any old equipment (to old for business) is tested and given to charities to re-sell.
All other equipment is stripped and sorted into components and recycled none of it goes to landfill
PC Parts 0161 476 1199
On site Drive destrucion if needed
Providing a Complete Suite of IT Solutions
PC Parts